Letting Your Purpose Find YOU as an Entrepreneur
Michael Simacek, Sales Expert and Entrepreneur
Become superhuman in what you do by finding your purpose, motivation, and defining moments. Listen to Michael Simacek to learn from his vast experience and observe the ways of a successful entrepreneur.
Here are the highlights for this episode:
Lesson #1: You Don’t Find Purpose, Let Purpose Find You
Where do we look for purpose? Michael believes that sometimes, we don’t find our purpose in having our own business, purpose finds us. When we start doing something we love, purpose comes right after. Your purpose is your “why”, the motivation behind doing what you do. A strong enough “why” can help you during those hard times where you may find yourself struggling to push through.
Purpose comes in times when we are giving value to others unconditionally. Some may think that in giving, we lose something, but the reality is that when you give, you actually receive more. David and Michael figured this out during the process of letting purpose find them, through doing what they love.
Lesson #2: Making a Difference in the World
One of the most satisfying things you can do in life is to do something that will make a difference in the world, especially when it is something that you love doing. It is that moment when you are adding value to others and that giving energy returns to you, without expectations. Majority of the successful entrepreneurs would agree to this, which was the case for Michael and David.
Lesson #3: Break Through Your Limits
The key to breaking through your limits is to keep moving forward, to succeed and even to fail forward. This is how you overcome the fears and problems you will encounter along the way. It doesn’t have to be a big step forward, even the small steps you make count for something, as long as you continue moving. Success is still success whether big or small, and you must learn to celebrate that success along the way.
To break free, you have to make a very important decision; decide that you’re not going to trade your time for money, but for results. That is when you will achieve the four freedoms that every entrepreneur wants, The 4 Freedoms:
- Freedom of Time
- Freedom of Money
- Freedom of Relationships
- Freedom of Purpose
The things you do today do matter, and they will [continue to] in ninety-nine years”
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