How Important Is the Culture, Mindset, and Goals in Business Success- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


Marc Robinson, Stout Ventures Partner, Real Estate Investor

Learn the right focus of culture, mindset, and goals that will make your business a better place in this episode with Marc Robinson. Breaking free from your old habits can be hard but you can learn the easy way in this conversation with Marc and David.

It’s Not About The Product or Service, It’s All About The People

Focusing on people’s needs is the secret to successful marketing. Everyone wants to be able to figure out the secret to marketing products or services successfully. There are some who make the mistake of thinking that marketing is all about touting the product itself. Actually, it’s going to be better to focus on the people instead of the products or services. You need to show people why they want to buy something. What does this product do to improve their lives? How does someone benefit from using this thing that you’re selling?

Consumers have more power than ever regarding having their voices heard. Your customers will want to tell you what they like and don’t like about your products. You can use social media and other online platforms to engage with your customers. Taking their feedback into account can help you to make better products. 

The Importance of Culture in Business Success

Culture reflects not only those in positions of power but also drives employee engagement and satisfaction. Businesses retain and attract professionals when the company culture values their employees. A business’s culture also defines who it hires. 

The Importance of Culture in Business Success

The most dangerous thing you can do is assume that a great company culture will develop on its own. As a business owner or manager, creating and maintaining a positive, healthy culture takes a vast amount of thought and effort. Remember that your actions – not just your words – will set a powerful example for your employees. As the leader of the organization, your staff will look to you for guidance and direction. If you are unsure or apathetic, this will have a substantially negative impact on your company culture. If you want your business to have an open, cooperative, and helpful culture, you need to start by embodying those qualities in the way you deal with staff and clients.

Never Focus On The Money

When most people visualize a seven-, eight- or even nine-figure net worth, they aren't thinking of the money itself: The real value of money is what you can do with it. In truth, money itself is rarely the end goal.

David always says that “If you start a business and what you are after is the money. You are destined to fail.” If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, you must make a profit if you want to stay in business. However, as the saying goes, money doesn’t buy happiness. Focusing on money alone also won’t make your business the best it can be. In other words, there are reasons why earning more shouldn’t be your main business focus. It’s the purpose that fulfills you, not the money. 

The Goal Is Freedom

Freedom is undeniably a powerful concept. Over the course of time, we’ve seen incredibly inspiring individuals battle against all odds to achieve the remarkable – against often, seemingly impossible things. Whatever its meaning, the word has and continues to play a significant, powerful, and symbolic role across the globe. The concept of freedom applies to all walks of life, the business world included. When it comes to business, companies define freedom in terms of their customers, their partners, and their employees.

The Goal Is Freedom

A lot of business owners that got out of corporate jobs, leave their jobs to have freedom. Yet when they have their business they get stuck to another form of prison, being stuck to running their own business. The key to this freedom is Delegation and Trusting your employees, allowing them to have freedom, too. David spoke about how people wanted to work for him because of the freedom and the trust that he gives to his employees and how it makes his employees happy, making their clients also happy because his people can bring better results.


There is no perfect way to becoming a great entrepreneur, but you can learn from others’ experiences, especially from people who have made it to the top. Businesses are not easy to manage, but when passion leads you, it will push you to become a better boss and a better member of society. With the right values and the right mindset, you can become a successful entrepreneur and bless others.

Every day can be a day that you are bathing in gratitude for the simplest things.
— Marc Robinson

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An Airforce Soldier Dreaming To Be A Successful Entrepreneur- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


The Empowered Freedom That Entrepreneurship Provides-The Best Business Podcast: Break Free