The Mentality, Traits, and Purpose To Become Successful- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


Laura Stees, Business Strategist | Partner/CPA

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. But when you realize that it’s for you, you can become successful. In this episode with our guest, Laura Stees, we are going to talk about the mindset, traits, and purpose of a successful entrepreneur.

Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

For some, it’s a given that they can become an entrepreneur. It’s common for entrepreneurial people to be unable to stay in a corporate job. Natural entrepreneurs crave the freedom to grow and make decisions. But it’s important to take note that not everyone is born into this– but everyone can foster skills that can change the world. Everyone is different, and nurturing the right skills among the budding younger generation will give them the power to create innovative ideas and emerge as the successful entrepreneurs of tomorrow. So, what does it take to become an entrepreneur?

Passion: Passion is one of the foremost traits of any successful entrepreneur. They are genuinely interested in their work and ideas and are willing to go the extra mile to pursue success. Despite all the trials and tribulations, passion motivates entrepreneurs to hold on and move forward toward their vision for the greater good.

Risktaking: All entrepreneurs are risk-takers. You can only succeed in business if you are bold in taking risks while knowing when to hold back as well.

Strong Sense of Self: A successful entrepreneur always holds a powerful sense of self along with a resilient nature. Having numerous problems to overcome, being self-motivated, and being self-confident are the key traits that make most entrepreneurs successful.

The Right Reason To Start A Business

Be your own boss. Like any job, being your own boss has perks and pitfalls. There’s no cookie-cutter formula that everyone can follow. But with hard work, a solid business plan, and dedication, your new business will enjoy some good times. When you are your own boss your earnings could be limitless. You’ll control when you work, and you’ll be able to pursue your passions and feel accomplished.

Improve the lives of others. In the U.S. alone, new businesses create 1.5 million jobs annually. Starting a new business means you have the opportunity to hire and train those who may not have had the opportunity for decent work in the past. It also means you get to make a meaningful impact on society.

Learn to fail and learn from your failures. Some companies fail because they make a poor product, and others because their product is poorly timed. Most companies fold because of a lack of market need for their product or service or because they run out of capital. When you consider that 90 percent of start-ups and 75 percent of venture-backed start-ups fall by the wayside, it becomes clear that failure is something to be addressed head-on and learned from.

Never Allow Yourself To Be A Victim

Never Allow Yourself To Be A Victim

In Laura’s 20s, she got into a car accident and burned thirty percent of her body, but she never allowed herself to be a victim. When she realized that, it was night and day for her. It was one of the strongest things that gave her resilience in her life, she recalled. 

Many unexpected things come in life, but it’s important to know that you are always in control. Trauma takes time to heal, but you can choose if you will let it affect, sidetrack, or distract you.

Break Through Self-Pity Mindset

Feeling sorry for yourself can create a trap for yourself and it becomes hard to move forward. For you to break through this self-pity mindset, you need to acknowledge it but never linger on it. When bad things happen along the way in your entrepreneurial journey, take a step back and feel it for a couple of seconds and then put it aside and move on, or else you will fall into a depressive cycle that becomes difficult to get out of.

If you know that the obstacle is the way and that problems make you better, then you’ll see problems in a different way. Because if you only keep succeeding, you grow very little, but when you have that big problem and you finally solve it, you move to the next level with experience, and it becomes a battle scar that will make you strong.


Achieving success is always up to you. Your choices, your way of thinking, and your way to grow are the key to it. You can always choose to become better and change. Once you understand that you have it in control, you will start making a difference.

Stop Making Excuses
— Laura Stees

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The Empowered Freedom That Entrepreneurship Provides-The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


Author of 37 Books on Selling 4 Million Copies: The Best Business Podcast