Author of 37 Books on Selling 4 Million Copies: The Best Business Podcast


Connor Boyack, President of Libertas Institute, and Author of 37 Books

Connor Boyack

As entrepreneurs, there are many things to learn and do. A lot of the time, these things distract us from the important things we should be focusing on. Some of those things seem small, but they will make a huge difference in the long run. Join us in this episode with Connor Boyack, President of Libertas Institute and the author of 37 Books that have sold 4 Million copies. Find out what successful entrepreneurs focus on to achieve greatness.

Signs You Are Destined To Be An Entrepreneur

For some people, it’s difficult to know whether they can be an entrepreneur or not. This is thanks to a lack of understanding of what entrepreneurship really is and how it works. Although everything can be learned along the way, it is important to know if you have these signs that you are destined to be an entrepreneur.

  • Traditional education doesn’t work for you. 

You didn’t like the regimented structure of the traditional education system. You would probably daydream about ideas, feeling like things were moving too slowly. You would challenge teachers and other students by questioning them on the lecture material and their belief systems. You liked to think outside of the box.

  • You love growth.

You are also most powerfully driven by growth. You love to make progress in your life and you love to help others progress in their life.

  • You are a problem solver.

Your friends and family know you as a problem solver. You look for solutions in areas where there is pain. If this sounds like you, you might be an entrepreneur.

  • You want freedom.

You want to be your own boss. You have ideas that you want to break the mold and make a bold change and difference. You want your entrepreneurial life to integrate with your overall life purpose. This allows you to achieve the satisfaction and the significance you desire. Freedom of time, money, and relationships build up to enable the freedom of purpose.

Writing A Book To Fill A Need

A lot of entrepreneurs want to write a book, but many struggle with what to write. So how do you know what to write? Connor’s experience teaches us to write a book to fill a need. He has sold 4 Million books and it started in a time when they wanted to teach something to their kids about property rights, justice, and markets. They went to amazon to find books but there were none. So Connor saw the opportunity there to fill in a need. He wrote books for kids about Laws, Markets, and other real-world concepts that kids should know. Then The Tuttle Twins was created and sold 4 million copies in the market. In other words, it is supply and demand.

Learning How and When To Pivot

When you are a web developer and you need to learn marketing to run your business, you need to pivot your learning. This is just an example of how important it is to learn how and when to pivot. Entrepreneurs understand that in every journey there will always be unexpected encounters and when you are in it, you need to pivot. This is how Conner achieved success in selling his books. It will always cost you effort in learning something new, effort to read books, have mentors, attend webinars, and other things to scale your business.

How Being Inspired In Your Business Can Bring You Far

inspired young women

The pursuit of money can only last so long, but when you are inspired by what you are doing you can go very far. Entrepreneurs have different reasons why they went into business than in the corporate world, but when you are inspired in what you are doing you will not quit no matter the challenge, because your purpose for doing it is a strong driving force. 

Being inspired will bring value to people. The more value you give, the more people come. Entrepreneurship is when you have the answer to a problem and people want that to solve their problems and they give money in return. Everything must be driven by a higher purpose in order to achieve this.

Focus On Giving Value

The most common thing about successful entrepreneurs is that they focus on things that make a big impact on their business. What is it? It’s not money. It’s the “What’s in it for them?” things, the value that they give to people. Successful entrepreneurs know that when they focus on creating great value for people, money is the by-product of it. Of course, entrepreneurs have to pay salaries and all but it has to be value-based. 

If you are wondering how to focus on the value you will give? Find the common problem and solve it. When you find something that has a higher need, the better you can be successful.

Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
-by Frederic Bastiat
— Connor Boyack

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The Mentality, Traits, and Purpose To Become Successful- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


The Best Business Podcast: Signs That You Are a Great Entrepreneur