The Importance of Courage and Vulnerability with Christian Carrillo

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Do you feel paralyzed by the fear of failure? Shake off what’s holding you back and jump into a world of possibility!

In this episode of the Break Free podcast, you’ll get to hear from the fearlessly creative entrepreneur, Christian Carrillo. Tune in to discover how he pushes beyond limitations and achieves excellence in multiple industries.

Christian Carrillo, CEO and Business Innovator

Christian is responsible for taking family companies to the next level, implementing three things to push businesses to success: added value, the application of the industry’s best practices, and maximizing user experiences. By taking on businesses and applying these three things, Christian has made a habit of multiplying profitability while keeping clients, customers, and team members happy.

See the three lessons we can learn from Christian’s approach to business and life:

1) Failure is Necessary for Success

Carrillo details his first ventures into business, highlighting the difficulty of starting something only to fail. However, each failure is an opportunity for greater chances of success. By paying attention, actively learning, and improving on yourself and your ideas, the next shot you take becomes more likely to prosper. It’s important to see failure as a building block instead of a roadblock.

For those starting their first business, Christian offers this advice: this will likely not be your last business. Feel free to make mistakes, try new things, and collaborate with different people. Just make sure you are learning through those mistakes so that your next endeavor has a greater chance of succeeding.

2) Learn Everywhere You Go

Christian Carrillo is the perfect example of learning everywhere you go. From Netflix and YouTube to his daring jump from business to politics, he highlights the importance of jumping into things with an open mind and a thirst for learning. A tool Christian uses to help run his business is… television! You can learn tons from shows like Shark Tank and paying extra attention to the lessons they have to offer. No matter where you are, there’s always the possibility of picking up valuable knowledge. TV, YouTube, following role models on social media, or taking online courses—the sky’s the limit when you truly want to learn and improve.  

With this mentality, Carrillo is able to soak up the world like a sponge and apply his knowledge to further grow his businesses. Never underestimate the resources you can find online.

3) Don’t Be Afraid to be Vulnerable

A topic Carrillo is passionate about is the use of vulnerability. In business, the trope is often that you must be cold, hard, and ruthless. Instead, Carrillo emphasizes the effectiveness of practicing vulnerability and being open to those around you. You have a choice to be vulnerable or not. While being invulnerable may protect you, it’s important to remember that it will keep out both the good and the bad.

In an example he gives, Christian details how a moment of vulnerability and honesty in an interview helped bring the opportunity for his jump into politics. Opening up will allow others to see your true self, and your values and ideas are sure to flow through. There is everything to be gained by choosing to practice vulnerability.

Some of the people I respect the most are incredible at being vulnerable... there is strength in saying things that people are embarrassed to say.
— Christian Carrillo

Christian Carrillo’s Social Links:


Learn the Power of Preparation with Adam Rochon


Crush Competition with Collaboration from Anywhere in The World with Jason Hanley