Learn the Power of Preparation with Adam Rochon
Do you sometimes feel directionless, or unfocused? Tune in to discover the key role of preparation, honesty, and presence in business and in life!
In this episode of the Break Free podcast, you’ll get to hear from the hardworking and crafty Chief Process Officer, Adam Rochon. He is the founder and owner of a world-class media company. Read on to learn how he made his way through the storytelling and journalist marketing industry.
Adam Rochon, Leader and Storyteller
Adam is a fierce and humble entrepreneur, making his mark in the business world by following the motto that is his company name: Respecting the Process Inc. By harnessing his creativity and ambition, Adam has made himself an exemplary individual that everyone pursuing business can learn from.
See the three keys we can learn from Adam’s approach to business and life:
1) Learn the Value in Preparation
Adam emphasizes the importance of knowing when and how to be prepared. As a leader, it’s vital to have a goal of where you want your business to be. Even on a personal level, if you don’t stop and seriously consider the direction you’re heading in, you will find yourself not having gone anywhere at all. It is the everyday steps you take that determine your long-term results, and Adam recognizes that those steps are a daily choice.
Part of being a storyteller is having the ability to create a vision, from creative projects to the various milestones of life – you choose where you want to end up.
2) Be Honest About What You Need to Succeed
In a different section of the podcast, Adam and David move to the topic of asking for help. Too often, being in a position of leadership can come with an aversion to sharing the burden of responsibility. Starting a business is a huge undertaking and can feel all-consuming for the person with the idea that started it all. However, as the business grows and evolves, a true leader knows when to get help.
Being honest about what you need both professionally and personally is key to ensuring steady and healthy growth. Relieve yourself from the pressure to know everything right away—it’s okay to ask for help. Adam emphasizes that being honest and “being okay with not being okay” is an important part of successful entrepreneurship. This can mean finding mentors who can guide you through the obstacles you’re facing. No matter what difficulties you may be up against, you’re not alone. Others have most likely come across the same issues and prevailed. Connect with those people.
3) Live in the Moment
The first two keys are difficult to master if you’re not actively checking in to the present moment. It takes self-awareness to know when you feel troubled or overburdened, as well as knowing when and how to prepare. Adam holds that social media and other fast-paced entertainment can drain away at your time and your focus.
To be a successful leader, one must learn to remain grounded in the here and now. Notice the world around you as it is, take deep breaths, and continue into your entrepreneurial journey with a sense of clarity and understanding.
“You need those fundamentals built into your daily activities to ensure you’re actually going somewhere.”
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