André Brisson: Turning Neurodivergence Into Strength
Have you or a loved ever been diagnosed with ADHD? Are you tired of people telling you what you are and are not capable of doing? André Brisson is a successful entrepreneur and engineer that has battled with undiagnosed ADHD and people telling him what he is capable of doing. He is the best example and inspiration on how you are your only limitation.
André Brisson, Engineer and ADHD Advocate
André Brisson was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago, and it made him better understand who he is and what he’s capable of achieving. He knows that the best person that knows him is himself; he knows his strengths, weaknesses, and the way he works. Learning who you are is the best recipe to make your success enjoyable.
Here are three fantastic lessons from André’s story to success:
1) Living An Undiagnosed ADHD Life
ADHD is a disorder that affects attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Even though it is something that is becoming more common to hear about, it’s too easy for some people to have it and not be diagnosed with it. André was one of those people. He lived most of his life feeling different than others because his way of thinking was was different.
After being diagnosed, he took a look at his life and some decisions he’d made in the past and realized that he could’ve handled it better if he knew he had ADHD. This disorder is manageable with therapy and medication, and a better understanding of this neurodivergence can help those with a diagnosis have a better quality of life. It is important to discuss ADHD more openly and know that this doesn’t have to stop you from becoming who you dream to be. André’s life is a great example. If you want more information about ADHD click here.
2) Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Free
André has lived most of his life with undiagnosed ADHD, resulting in some decisions and actions that often went misunderstood. This pattern affected his confidence, making him reach a point where he felt like a failure. When he found out he has ADHD, a lot of things started to make sense and click into place. The most important thing was that he noticed how far he’s actually come.
His psychiatrist told him that with his level of ADHD, it was impressive that he got through high school and got a degree in engineering. Fast forward to today, he is a successful entrepreneur that still practices engineering and he’s constantly learning how to best accommodate himself for success. André’s journey is a big inspiration to get out of your comfort zone and do the things you were created to do. When it comes to your destiny, nothing and no one can stop you! But awareness and education can help more than you might’ve thought.
3) Entrepreneurial Bug
Brisson decided to be an engineer because he wanted to solve problems, not create problems. He worked for a company for almost 10 years until he noticed that he wanted to do things differently. The only way he was going to accomplish that was by creating his own company. The first few tries didn't go as well as he hoped it would, but that motivated him more to try again until he got it right.
He explains how leaving a comfortable job and starting a business is one of the scariest things one can do. It’s scary in every sense of the word; what if something bad happens, what does that make you, are you good enough, etc! And 99% of the time, those fears never actually happen and they are just excuses to talk you out of trying. Believe more in yourself because you are more than capable of succeeding, you just have to give it a try and play to your personal strengths.
“Be Your Game. Play Your Game”
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