Alex Bishop: Getting Better is a Process
Are you tired of pretending to be okay? Do you wish you could finally be truly happy? Alex Bishop fought depression and addictions for a long time but all of that taught him invaluable life lessons.
Alex Bishop, Fighter and Businessman
Alex is a driven and sharp businessman. However, taking care of his own mental health took a back seat, and he found himself relying on external things to make him feel better. It took him a lot of years to start changing his ways and to realize that he could be in control of his feelings. Now that he understands that he is in charge of his happiness, he wants to share it with the world.
Here are three lessons Alex has learned from his journey to happiness and fulfillment:
1) Money is not Fulfilling
A lot of people believe that money is going to make their lives better but in reality, the problems you had when you were broke only multiply when you get money. Money is not the solution to your problems. Alex Bishop had a hard time understanding this fact and now he tries to help others to live a fulfilling life that doesn’t involve looking for money all the time.
Alex’s goal was to get to a certain amount of money because he believed that when he got there, he would be happy. His first goal was to make 100k, but when he achieved it and realized that his emotional life didn’t change, he thought that he needed to raise his goal. It took him a while to realize that the problem was his priorities, and not the amount of money.
2) Fighting Addictions
There are so many things we can become easily addicted to. Alex discovered alcohol at the age of 14 and he started abusing the use from that age. He remembered being a working alcoholic because he still did school and got a science degree at the same time as he blanked out almost every night.
He was always insecure and fearful about life and he felt he needed something that “rescued” him. That’s when he realized that alcohol made him feel better and gave him relief. After years of drinking, the relief he got from it was gone, so he started to look for other things that would give him that relief. He now realizes that everything happens for a reason and he knows that he is here to help others get out of their addictions.
3) Happiness is an Inside Job
Depending on external things to be happy is not a sustainable way to feel fulfilled. Alex learned that happiness is an inside job because you are the only one that has control over your emotions. Life doesn't always happen the way we would like it to, which shows us how little control we actually have.
In this episode, Alex explains how alcohol and money didn’t help him be happy but instead made him feel more lonely. Everything changed when he started to be more conscious of what he was doing and when he started to be honest with himself. It’s really easy to self-sabotage, so it’s important to keep your eyes open to see if the actions you are taking are pulling you down or uplifting you.
“You will be ready when you’re ready.”
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