The Great Opportunity of Taking Risks
William Birck, CEO of Reed Construction Corp.
Are you still deciding what you truly want from your career? Ever feel too afraid to jump into a risky career choice? This Episode with William Birck is for you. Join us and explore the possibilities and the opportunities you can find as an entrepreneur.
Here’s the top 3 lessons you can learn:
Lesson #1: Dreams and Goals Change Overtime
A lot of young people are having a hard time choosing a life path, especially when it comes to their college degree or career. But the reality is that it’s okay to think it through, and it’s normal to feel uncertain. Some of us may already know what we want to do in life, but others are still trying to find out. It’s okay if you try out different careers or courses, because you are learning by seeking what you really want. Dreams and goals change overtime due to circumstances and understanding. For William and David, they jumped to different aspects in their life before finding what they wanted to do. So if you feel this way, don’t worry! That’s totally normal, and you’re right on track.
Lesson #2: Rewards Come From Taking Risks and Putting in Effort
William’s advice for young entrepreneurs is that, “Running your own business will be the most rewarding and terrifying thing you will do.” Becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone, because there are risks and there is a lot of general uncertainty involved when it comes to running a business. It is also a good thing because there is no limit to the heights you can reach. You can become free when you own your own business, as you are the one who calls the shots on how you spend your time.
Lesson #3: Find Advice From The Right People
Becoming an entrepreneur is not easy and you might need help from others sometimes, especially when you are getting started. Never hesitate to ask for advice from those who have already done what you want to do. There are a lot of CEOs and business owners that would love to give advice and mentor you to achieve success, and this is what William and David desires for others. This is what happened to William way back when he was just starting his own business, and it didn’t fail him. That advice that he took helped him build a successful business.
“Play Your Own Game”
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