Key Principles For Getting The Right Clients
Brian Stallcop, Financial Advisor and Founder of Sherpa Wealth Strategies
Learn the principles to be in control of your business growth in this episode with Brian Stallcop, a Financial Advisor and Entrepreneur. Learn from his experience and life lessons.
Here‘s the top three lessons from Brian Stallcop’s life:
Lesson #1: Don’t Let Fear Be In Control
When you start to panic and let fear overpower your thoughts, you will most likely make a mistake. The best way to handle this is to take a deep breath and step back from your situation for a while, and then think and decide what the best step to take is. Don’t let your fear drive the vehicle; remember that you are the driver of the car, and you make your own journey. This is how Brian and David think when they come across difficult challenges.
Lesson #2: Be Consistent in the Approach That Works
One of the biggest obstacles in making your own business is finding new clients. For Brian, it was becoming consistent in what he was doing to gain new clients, by sticking to the plan and hitting his goals. Back in his thirties as a financial advisor, Brian would go door-to-door to have conversations with people about their finances. The point is to get to know people first so that you get a better understanding of what services you can offer to them, and create a unique approach for each potential client.
Lesson #3: Don’t Take It Personally
The only way for you to be prosperous in your business is to create clients and develop an honest relationship with them. To create a new client, you have to knock on that door physically or virtually. There may be rejections, but you have to learn to slide through those and keep moving forward. Don’t take it personally. Brian’s advice is to keep knocking because you will not only create more clients, but you will also learn your ideal clients, and you can focus on that.
“Follow Your Dreams”
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