Turn Competition into a Positive


Do you feel exhausted by trying to be better or stay ahead of your competition?

When you think about competition in a negative way that is when it becomes exhausting. Competition is actually the exact opposite of all these things.

The true meaning of competition comes from the word ‘compete’ meaning to strive for, to aspire to be better. A world without competition is a world that would sit still. Strive and will to make things better is what pushes society forward.

David often tells people that he doesn’t believe in competition because it is difficult to understand how competition can be positive. In his business, ISU Corp, David always tells his team members this because it helps them to foster better partnerships that could benefit both partnerships.

Next time you find a company that has a similar structure and goal as yours, don’t view them as someone to defeat but someone you could learn from, adding value to each other. When you start viewing competition as cooperation you will see yourself grow exponentially.

When you start learning how to view competition positively you will start to see that this world has infinite abundance.

Competition is nothing more than cooperation. You are cooperating with the rest of the world to achieve greater things.
— David Mansilla


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