Use Your Health to Lead Wealth in 5 Steps


YES! Making your health a priority can absolutely lead to wealth.

Here are David’s FIVE ways that bettering your health will better your wealth:

1) A Healthy Body Attracts Abundance

When your body is in a good state you will carry that positive energy into every aspect of your life. Whether it be relationships, business or set milestones, starting from a place of energy and abundance will change your productivity.

2) Your Body Sets the Tone

If you are always in pain or lacking energy you will most likely be in a negative mindset. When you are locked into this you cannot reach your goals. If you physically don’t have the will to do how will it get done?

3) Your Emotional State Will Determine Your Net Worth (Eventually)

If you are in a negative state you cannot move forward. To change this start mediating, in order to learn what it is you need to change in your daily routines. Giving yourself a moment to not only work on your physical health but also your mental health will benefit your goals greatly! Just like you wouldn’t keep your work station unorganized you won’t be very productive if your mind is cluttered.

4) We Are What We Eat

The choices we make in our diet will determine our health. You can work out everyday but eat poorly and you will always feel down. On the flip side if you don’t workout much but eat a balanced diet, you with most likely maintain better energy and mindset.

5) Every Habit Makes a Breakthrough Eventually

This goes for everything in your life; relationships, projects, health, etc. When you set a habit into motion it stops being a task and it becomes just a part of survival. If you create healthy habits that become second nature you will find that setting goals and achieving them will become more and more achievable.

Our body has 37 trillion cells, and it is our job to take care of them. Not having the time is no excuse. Everybody has 24 hours in a day its a matter of making the decision to make your health a priority. These strategies have proven success and can easily convert into better clarity, decision-making, and performance in your business and personal life.

We, the observer, have the responsibility to take care of that body. When your body is not working properly, the rest of your life won’t work properly.
— David Mansilla


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