Most Important Lessons in Entrepreneurship: The Right Influence and Experience


Steven Neuner, Entrepreneur and Associate Coach of Strategic Coach

Get ready to be inspired in this episode with Steven Neuner, an entrepreneur and Associate Coach of Strategic Coach. Listen to his roller coaster experience and life lessons that made him successful in what he does.

Here are the top 3 Lessons from his life experience:

Lesson #1 The Right Training Brings The Right Results

Learn skills that will improve your results. Steven took the best from his training and experiences, and it put him in a better position to start his own business. Fundamental skills are very valuable in opening doors of success. Invest your time in learning skills, start from the basics and remember them as you climb up– they are the key to greater things in the future. 

Lesson #2: Everything That Happens to You is Meant to Be

There may be big leaps that we need to take before we find what we are good at, but everything that happened from the past was meant to happen. Steven Neuner can relate to this since he had to jump from different fields. From sales, to dentistry, to insurance, he now realizes that what happened in the past made the better version of him now possible. This is the case for some, who find themselves not knowing what they are really good at, and it’s okay to jump to different windows of opportunity because this will give you a wider perspective in life and your career. 

Lesson #3: Surround Yourself With The Right People

There is always strength and advantage in surrounding yourself with the right people. This was the case for David and Steven. This was a big part of their ladder to success that made them better at what they do. The more you are with people who have a great mindset, the more you’ll be positively influenced by the way they think and live. One way to do it is to join a community, locally or even online. This will definitely boost your understanding, your confidence, and your ability to see what’s truly possible.

It’s Faith that makes me feel rich
— Steven Neuner

Steven Neuner’s Social Links:


The Secrets of A Successful Entrepreneur


Do What You Love, and Outsource the Rest (Tips and Tricks For Your Future)