The Best Business Podcast: Work-Life Balance For Entrepreneurs


Nathan Byrd, CEO of Growth Bounce and Power Couple Toolbox

Part of becoming a successful entrepreneur is knowing and living your “why”. This “why” helps entrepreneurs move forward and get focused on their goal. Most entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses but fail in their family relationships. Nathan Byrd’s business helps entrepreneurs succeed with the feeling of fulfillment whether it’s in their business, family relationships, or goals in life.

Why Curiosity Is the Most Important Trait an Entrepreneur Can Have

Everyone knows the old cliché “curiosity killed the cat.” Nobody wants to be that cat, especially not entrepreneurs. The thought of failing in a business venture is enough to steer any entrepreneur away from being curious. After all, “better safe than sorry,” right?

Actually, curiosity is an incredibly important trait for an entrepreneur. While everyone knows that “curiosity killed the cat,” the second half of the saying is less well known. Sure, “curiosity killed the cat,” but “satisfaction brought it back.” That’s much more encouraging! But what is it about curiosity that results in satisfaction?

Curiosity is a powerful tool not only for entrepreneurs but also for professionals in any role, department, or industry. If you truly want to achieve success, pay attention to what curiosity can teach you. Entrepreneurs, by their very nature, are always looking for new ways to do things, creative ways to solve problems and better ways to reach their audience. But curiosity is actually a mental muscle, and just like any muscle in the body, it needs to be exercised regularly to stay strong. When curiosity wanes, you become more likely to stagnate, and so does your business. 

Why Curiosity Is the Most Important Trait an Entrepreneur Can Have

Entrepreneurs know that rewards can only be reaped when risks are taken. As the old saying goes, “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” If curiosity leads to satisfaction, then living a satisfactory life as an entrepreneur can be accomplished by staying curious.

Choosing To Be Happy During The Storm

Emotions can lead us to actions. We often act based on our emotions. As striving to be a successful entrepreneur you need to learn to control your emotions. It takes time to master but you can become the boss of your emotions. The ability to experience and express emotions is more important than you might realize.

Becoming the boss of your emotions doesn't mean suppressing them. It is actually okay to respond naturally to that emotion and be aware of it, but don’t allow it to stay. You must learn to let go of your emotions for you to make the right decisions in life, especially in your business. This shows us that your decisions can be the best ones if you learn to control your state of being under a variety of circumstances.

It’s All About Relationships

Relationships are super important, especially as entrepreneurs. There are many pros to building relationships:

  • You build relationships with other entrepreneurs to succeed like them.

  • Your life is happier when you have a good relationship with your spouse or children. 

  • You find mentors in life that will help you in your passion.

  • You make many connections when you get to know other people. 

Relationships are important in life. They make us feel safe and help us deal with stress. Relationships aren’t only important in your personal life, though. As a business owner, you should also build professional relationships. Relationship building from a business standpoint can help you get new customers, retain current customers and manage your reputation.

The Best Business Podcast: Work-Life Balance For Entrepreneurs

There’s Gold In Every Adversity

Building your own business is not smooth sailing. Adversity will come to everyone, but you don’t have to worry about it as much as most people think. Adversity will make you stronger than before; it is the only way for your abilities to be stretched out. When adversity comes to you, you need to seek to understand it– before you respond. Nathan believes that every adversity will leave a scar but it will also strengthen and refine you. Did you know when refining or melting the gold, it has to go through a very hot fire? “The hotter the fire the purer the gold,” so no matter the level of adversity, don’t be quick to judge but instead seek to understand the situation.


The balance that every entrepreneur wishes for is not very easy to accomplish. But with the right guidance and mentoring it can be achieved. It’s risky to learn it the hard way. Statistics show that marriage dissolution and divorce rates among entrepreneurs are higher with 43% - 48%. And one of the main reasons for that is a lack of balance in life and in work.

Build Very Strong Relationships and Love People
— Nathan Byrd

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The Best Business Podcast: Achieving Freedom and Fulfillment In Life


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