Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free


Luis Uva, Director of Diesel Pro

Most successful business owners became successful not because they are born with talent and knowledge but because they learned from experience. Experience builds character and when you learn from it, you become successful in whatever you do. Your influence will help the company and the people you work with grow, and your clients you serve will be satisfied with the value you offer. 

Learn all of that in this episode with Luis Uva, Director of Diesel Pro. 

Focusing On Creating Value for Your Customers/Clients

Customer value is the difference between the total customer benefits and the total customer costs. It’s a perception of the worth of your product/service in terms of money spent as compared to other possible competitor solutions. Creating value for customers means providing valuable products and services that customers consider worthy of their time, energy, and money. For customers to find value in a product or service, its perceived benefits must outweigh its cost. Creating value means maximizing benefits within an acceptable price point.

Creating value for customers is essential because it can increase your brand's reputation, profits, and long-term success. Providing valuable goods and services can increase customers' confidence and trust in your company's offerings. Customers who feel they've made a good purchase are more likely to buy from you again and share their positive experiences with others.

Top 3 Traits To Start A Business

Be Curious- Curiosity is the thirst for knowledge. It’s the desire to learn and understand new things, and to ask questions to figure out the “how” and, crucially, the “why.” It helps you expand your mind, challenge ideas, and find fresh thinking. It allows you to problem-solve more effectively and discover what might be possible, instead of just what’s feasible. And it’s an essential tool in your entrepreneur’s tool kit.

Be Decisive- Decisiveness is one of the most important qualities for entrepreneurs to have. Being decisive means being able to make decisions firmly and relatively quickly, rather than sitting on them indefinitely or changing your mind after making a decision. This is especially important for business owners because it means your response time is faster, you can resolve problems faster, get started on new ideas sooner, and adapt to new circumstances without issue. It also increases your authority and reputation as a strong leader in your team, earning you respect and setting an example at the same time.

Be Innovative- Innovative entrepreneurship is the practice of establishing and creating new business ideas intending to generate profit, assist the community, and accomplish company goals. Innovative entrepreneurs develop business models to identify to meet the needs of an organization and improve their competitiveness in the market.

The Right Mindset In Getting Through Obstacles

Entrepreneurship is a journey. On this journey, successful entrepreneurs don't have an expectation of "arriving" at some finish line. If you do have that expectation, you won't continue to push yourself to step outside of your comfort and grow. You won't seek out the things that truly help your business experience explosive results because all those things require you to stretch yourself.

The only way to get through obstacles is to start by acknowledging that they exist. Your thoughts act as the gateway to your feelings and emotions. What you think about and focus on is what you'll attract more of into your life. If you believe you are failing, then you will, and it’s over. When you're dealing with obstacles, your thoughts focus on what you can't control and why that situation is happening to you. Instead of falling into that negative, cyclical thought process, give yourself a few minutes and take control of your thoughts. Focus on what brings you joy and what you're grateful for in your life. It's hard to be down when you're expressing gratitude. It will amaze you how the right solutions come into fruition when you focus your mind on positive and creative solutions.

Creating A Good Culture

One of the hardest things to create and learn is the culture. Company culture is an integral part of the business. It affects nearly every aspect of a company. From recruiting top talent to improving employee satisfaction, it’s the backbone of a happy workforce. Without a positive corporate culture, many employees will struggle to find the real value in their work, and this leads to a variety of negative consequences for your bottom line.

The culture at your organization sets expectations for how people behave and work together, and how well they function as a team. In this way, culture can break down the boundaries between siloed teams, guide decision-making, and improve workflow overall.


There are many things to consider, to learn, and to change when you have your own business. The best appoach is to look at things in a different point of view. By taking a step back and evaluating what needs to be done. It might even be realizing, is it me? What do I need to learn to make my business better? There are many business owners nowadays who rely so much on the services, systems, and applications that they use to make or run their business, without considering how they influence the people they work with or the products and services they offer. Now is the time to break free and do things differently.

Gratitude. It puts you in a mindset of abundance and contentment.
— Luis Uva

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Learn To Trust The Process In Order To Grow


How Can Entrepreneurs Improve and Grow Their Business- The Best Business Podcast: Break Free