Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs with Eliezer Hernandez
Are you on your path to find happiness and fulfillment? Eliezer Hernandez’s story on battling and conquering Lupus, being fired, and finding a new perspective on life will definitely motivate you to create lasting change in your life! Don’t miss this episode of The Break Free Podcast.
Eliezer Hernandez, Fighter and Businessman
In this episode, you’ll hear how Eliezer turned dire situations into success in his life. Eliezer talks about calming the mind— like many of us, he has had to deal with limiting beliefs and anxious thoughts. Everything changed when he started to have control over his mind & feelings and started to create happiness, wealth, and health in his life.
Here are three key lessons from this episode:
1) Divine Connections
Things always happen for a reason. A great example is when someone loses their job. It can be really devastating, and it can take a while to plan your next move. Here is when you start to notice the divine connections in life if you open yourself to the endless opportunities. You never know who is desperate for some extra help filling in an important position.
Eliezer had this experience. When he was fired, it wasn’t a total letdown since he didn’t enjoy the job in the first place. However, it wasn’t until he called his brother that losing his job made sense. His brother was starting a company and asked Eliezer to work with him, and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Everything happens for a reason, and the biggest asset one can have is knowing people and staying open to the opportunities those people can bring.
2) Fighting Lupus
Fighting a disease can be an opportunity to change your life. Eliezer explains that he wasn’t enjoying life; he wasn’t taking advantage of opportunities and didn’t pay attention to the beautiful things in life. When he got diagnosed with lupus, he realized the way he had been living wasn’t working for him, and even though it has been a difficult battle, he decided to change his perspective on life.
He got really sick, to the point where he couldn’t walk, but still tried to be optimistic and seek new opportunities. It was a difficult battle because some of his family members also fought this disease and sadly couldn’t win the battle. Now, Eliezer can see this as a victory and share his story with the rest of the world. Being forced to slow down can change the way you see things for the better.
3) Looking for Happiness
Everybody is looking for the same thing: happiness. Some people think that material possessions will make them happy but David and Eliezer have a deep conversation about how relationships and giving back to people actually create fulfillment in your life.
It’s easy to take things for granted but material things can disappear in a blink of an eye. That’s why putting your happiness on them is unreliable. In this episode, you’ll hear amazing tips on how to find sustained happiness beyond the world you can see and touch.
“The exterior world is nothing more than a reflection of the inner world.”
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