The Best Business Podcast: The Way To Reach Your Greatest You


Daniel Hammond, Customer-Driven Leadership Author, Entrepreneur

Have you ever gotten the feeling that something is blocking your growth? Personal development is a great process and sometimes you don’t get the progress that you’d expect because of some barriers that are inside you, even though you can’t really acknowledge them.

Whether it’s your negativity or lack of determination, there are many things that may stay in the way of your success. That’s what Daniel Hammond does to businesses, Daniel Hammond is helping others identify and quantify their “unknown, unknowns;” to include helping to form strategies to positively action them. 

You Can Push Through Your Limits

The Best Business Podcast: The Way To Reach Your Greatest You

Every entrepreneur has dreams and goals. However, only a few people achieve their goals. This is because most people let their limits hold them back. When you feel like hitting a wall in life, you feel resistance. This will make things a little bit harder. Many people around the world are unable to hold on when it gets to this point. Therefore, they give up. It is essential to learn how to beat your limits and overcome them. This enables you to achieve your goals.

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Is Always a Good Thing

There is no better way to grow, and there are many reasons why you should choose geeting out from your comfort zone. But the true reason why is because it’s good for you. When you expose yourself to a new environment you reset your mind and your spirit, it is actually healthy for you. There are some habits that needed to be changed and changing things helps you overcome those bad habits.

Staying in your comfort zone for too long makes you uncomfortable in life. You get bored easily and you feel no progress for yourself and your business. Getting out of your comfort zone is hard because humans are wired to expect the worst-case scenario. Your brain wants to keep you safe, so you have a natural negativity bias — a stronger reaction to actual or anticipated negative events. But when you get out you’ll learn what you’re really made of.

Develop the Love for Challenges

The Best Business Podcast: The Way To Reach Your Greatest You

Why should you fall in love with challenges? It’s human nature to love answers, unfortunately, that very tendency can prevent you from coming up with truly delightful solutions. When faced with a problem, we tend to stop ideating as soon as we think we’ve found an answer. But the reason why we need challenges in life is that it equips us with the resources needed for future problems and solving them.

Finding The Good In Trials

For entrepreneurs, it is given that they will go through tough times, personally and career-wise. But It’s very helpful to learn to find the good in the midst of your trials. A lot of successful entrepreneurs always talk about mindset and how it made them successful. Likewise, it is applicable to these stages in your business life. Daniel and David were able to help other entrepreneurs because they applied this method in their life and it made them successful and more capable to help co-entrepreneurs. 

There are many ways to triumph in trials; one of the best way is to stop worrying about it and focus on what’s in front of you. What can I do right now? Then, understand that you are in a position to open opportunities. Finally, always look for the things you can learn from the experience.


If you are aspiring to become a successful entrepreneur, invest in yourself. Equip yourself with wisdom and knowledge so that your fears will lessen, and you can develop the courage to face your challenges. You can build your own business and obtain freedom.

Find somebody who is better than you, and learn from them.
— Daniel Hammond

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The Best Business Podcast: Finding The Right Purpose To Survive Entrepreneurship


The Best Business Podcast: Achieving Freedom and Fulfillment In Life