The Best Business Podcast: Building A Strong Business Foundation


Tim Redmond, CEO and Business Growth Consultant of Redmond Growth Consulting

Tim Redmond

Owning your business can feel like you're being driven in many different directions all the time. Most often, it is difficult to determine whether you're approaching your goals correctly when your days are busy and full. But you don’t have to go through it all alone, you can obtain the support you need from a business coach that will support your goals and give you a road map to success whether your company is having problems or you just want to take it to the next level.

In this episode with Tim Redmond, we will learn how business owners can benefit from having a business coach and what mindset we need to become successful.

The Five F’s

Every business requires a strong foundation. From your website and business plan to your online marketing efforts, it’s important to have many of these elements in place early on. If you’re thinking about starting a business or have recently jumped into the world of entrepreneurship, check out these tips from Tim;

When you have a business, you need to build it on a foundation of the five F’s; Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Friends. These five F’s should enhance your business, and not rob you from that.

Starting a business and managing it successfully involves commitment, effort, and—most importantly—focusing on the main goal. Though it's challenging, maintaining focus is essential in building your business. When starting a new business, reducing distractions is something you should consider to help you stay focused.

Problems Are Opportunities

Building A Strong Business Foundation

Although running your own business is a thrilling endeavor, there are a number of entrepreneurship challenges that you may run into. Despite appearing to be against us, challenges are actually opportunities in disguise. Challenges are opportunities to help us grow into the finest versions of ourselves; they unleash the greatness and strength that each of us possesses but doesn’t know we have. Not every day is a success, but each day is part of the process.

Overcoming challenges is necessary for success in both life and business. Our chances of success increase if we see challenges as opportunities to solve problems and improve. Challenges allow you to evaluate the problem and come up with creative ideas; they create stepping stones to reaching greater heights. By gaining new knowledge and experiences, you get wiser. Challenges push us to reach our best potential.

You Can Widen Your Reach By Narrowing Your Focus

One of the secrets of successful entrepreneurs is: When you narrow your focus and become an expert in something, you can widen your reach to that big group of people that have that big problem. Once you become the answer to those problems then people will come to you and ask for your help. 

Narrow Your Focus

You can be a Jack of all trades, but you’ll never be very good at something because it is difficult to juggle many things and focus on one thing. If you want to be the best, then you need to start with a narrow path and learn as much as you can to become the expert that people need.

The Greatest Challenge To Entrepreneurs

What makes you unique? What makes you stand out from your competition? What do you do better? Why should people choose you over your competition? When you start your own business, you already know that you are not alone in the market, and when you understand that, these questions kick in. 

Tim’s advice on this is not to be casual in what you do. He said, “Casualness causes casualties.” Find those areas in your business where you have been casual and then change that, and bring a level of excellence to it. It may be a small thing, but it will make a difference in your business.

Never Give Up

No matter what happens, never stop what you love doing. Even if your business fails, never give up, try again. It’s those things in life as entrepreneurs that you can look back and be grateful for where you are right now because you chose to never quit. The only time you will lose is when you stop trying.

Never Never Never Never Give Up!
— Tim Redmond

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The Best Business Podcast: From Janitor to a Million-Dollar Business in One Year


The Best Business Podcast: From Poverty To A Multimillion-Dollar Solar Enterprise.