The Best Business Podcast: How To Launch A Successful Lifestyle Business


Keith Nelson, Entrepreneur, Coach, and Author

There are many ways to make your business a success, but today we are going to focus on building a business lifestyle, with David and our guest, Keith Nelson. In this episode, they have talked about how to create a beautiful lifestyle business, how your passion can be a big part of that, and what it takes to create it. Go grab a pen and paper, and listen to this episode with success stories from successful entrepreneurs.

Creating A Beautiful Lifestyle Business

How To Launch A Successful Lifestyle Business

A lifestyle business is defined as a passion-centered business created by someone who desires to be their own boss and live with more freedom. This is often established to realize a particular goal, or set of circumstances, in the life of an entrepreneur. The strengths and skills are where their business is then developed, allowing them a way to generate income which they enjoy, and a business built to fit the life they want.

Creating a beautiful lifestyle can seem exciting and desirable, but fear holds many from taking the leap into getting started. Keith Nelson shared in this episode what actions to take and what mindset to develop in creating a beautiful lifestyle business.

Find Your Passion And Turn It Into A Career

A lot of lifestyle businesses begin from passions. According to Deloitte survey of 3,000 full-time U.S. workers, across job levels and industries, only 20% say they are truly passionate about their work. This shows that some of us don’t know how to pursue our passion, and thus we fail to do so. But it’s never too late to pursue your passion and live a life of freedom.

When starting a lifestyle business, focus on your interests and what you’re good at, and by doing so, you can make an income from the things that you enjoy doing. As a common phrase says — Do what you love and money will follow. The passion that you feel in doing your business can be a big help to sustain you during bad times and help you to reach greater heights in the future.

Learn How To Ride The Ups and Downs 

Creating a business that suits your lifestyle is all about taking risks. As much as you want everything to go smoothly, there’s really no “sure thing” in business – there’s always the possibility of failure. Every successful business has gone through a phase where they failed at something and there’s nothing wrong with that. Staying confident, positive, and optimistic about your business is the key to success. When your confidence is strong and you believe in yourself, no failure, obstruction, or challenge can stop you from moving toward your goal and becoming a great entrepreneur.

It won't work until you are 100% committed

There are a lot of reasons for starting a business, this might include pursuing a passion, being your own boss, setting your own working hours, or making more money. But, if you are not committed to your purpose, it may not be enough for your business to grow or even succeed. 

Building a lifestyle business takes time and it requires hard work, many sacrifices, failures, and setbacks. It is a journey that can’t be taken in a sprint but more like a marathon. When you are committed, you enjoy the journey, and with it are the lessons learned and the experience you gained. So, If you were wondering how successful entrepreneurs do it— be one hundred percent committed.


Too often we make the mistake of seeing entrepreneurs like Donald Trump and Steve Jobs as the examples that all businesses should follow. However, most of the firms are not truly entrepreneurial but more “lifestyle businesses.” It is “lifestyle business” that the great majority of business organizations are seeking.  

There are many ways to succeed in business, but the best way to succeed while feeling fulfilled is working with people who are happy with where they’re at and what they are doing. Success follows the organization where everybody wins.

Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity, because it doesn’t exist. Be willing to bet on yourself
— Keith Nelson

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The Best Business Podcast: Ways To Find Success As An Entrepreneur


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