What Happens When Everyone is in Charge? Challenging Hierarchies in Business


Katie Ridland, Financial Advisor

Do you want to find yourself in a better place? This episode’s guest may offer just the thing to help you get there. She is a successful financial advisor and Senior Partner Practice of St. James's Place Wealth Management based in Edinburgh. We present to you, Katie Ridland.

Here are three lessons from Katie’s episode:

Lesson #1: Passion Changes Overtime

Do passions change overtime? Absolutely! Passion is a feeling and those tend to change. There will come a defining moment in life where our experiences will change our perspective and our desires. Overtime, these changes will help us discover our purpose, and that purpose will become an anchor to our passion. It’ll make us better at what we do and will lead us to success.

Katie and David discussed that the secret in finding our passion is to keep on learning. The more we expand our wisdom and knowledge, the more we open avenues and opportunities that will help us adapt to new circumstances.

Lesson #2: Financial Literacy is a Real Advantage

There are many pillars of wellbeing that are ranked at different priorities in people’s agenda. Katie pointed out one of the pillars that wellbeing is founded on, financial wellbeing. Financially Literate people are able to organize the money they have to meet future goals and are less prone to financial stress and anxiety. It’s worth finding help in balancing finances— this is what can lead you to freedom or a life of stress.

Lesson #3: Breaking Away from Hierarchy

Talking from experience, Katie pointed out a game-changer business structure of not positioning yourself as “the boss”, while bringing out the best in your employees. The change in businesses structures has avoided traditional work hierarchies and has brought a sense of freedom to employees, flexibility and independence to teams, and has encouraged innovation without fear of failure. A “horizontal” organization, where you can find a leader working with you, can bring success to businesses and to employees. There is nothing better than becoming united with one goal and having a richer work environment.

To overcome the biggest challenge in what we do is to see things in a better perspective and to focus on the things that you are good at and delegate the other tasks to the right people that love to do it. No matter the challenge we face, from something personal to a global pandemic, you can escape from the fear of the unknown and see things as an opportunity to expand and grow.

You don’t need to know everything, know what you do know very well and have depth in that knowledge.
— Katie Ridland

Katie Ridland’s Social Links:


How Can 47 Years of Financial Expertise Change Your Life?


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