The Secret to Winning over Clients and Your Employees


Emily Morgan, Best-Selling Author ”Let It Go!”, CEO of Delegate Solutions

Have you ever wondered how millionaires handle their team and the culture in their company? Listen to this episode with Emily Morgan, Best Selling Author of “Let It Go!” and CEO of Delegate Solutions. 

Here are the top 3 lesson from Emily Morgan’s life:

Lesson #1: Building The Right Culture

People come from different backgrounds and when you work with many people, it’s not easy to build the right culture. It’s difficult to foster relationships well when they are not in the same environment everyday. For Emily and her team, they hire the next generation of employees, and they show core values. One way they do it is by having weekly huddles with the team, and enabling each person in the team to lead and share positivity and grow relationships.

Lesson #2: Finding Hope In Times of Challenges

There will be a time when every entrepreneur will experience some form of hardship. While we push to thrive and grow, sometimes we run into bankruptcy. The key to this is to keep moving forward, but sometimes, discouragement kicks in and it becomes hard. For Emily, finding hope is what helped her continue and find ways to solve issues. These times really make entrepreneurs become better versions of themselves, and hitting rock bottom can sometimes have a way of shooting you back out on top.

Lesson #3: The Impact to Clients and Your Team

Should your clients go first or your employees? This may be confusing for some young entrepreneurs, but the secret to happy clients is to make your employees happy first. This is how David and Emily made a big impact on their own company and their team. It comes back to the culture you need to make as the business owner, and for Emily, it’s the foundational truth that people don’t talk about that much. If your employees are unfulfilled or treated poorly, it will show in their work. And besides, all employees deserve to work in an environment where they are treated with respect, given opportunities to grow, and are welcome to contribute positively to the project. When your employees are happy, it will also show in their work, thus making your clients happy as well. 

I Believe I Can, So I Will
— Emily Morgan

Emily Morgan’s Social Links:


What It Really Takes To Become Your Own Boss


The Secret To Opening The Doors of Opportunity